"Wild, to me, means carefree" - MJ
" The term “wild” for me evokes a sense of the primal, instinctual forces that I too often keep at bay in my day-to-day civilian life" - CW
"Makes me think of energy" - WN age 10
"Free, wolf, bare feet, mountains, wind, bird song, instinct" - KV
" Most recently, I understand wild and wildness as living with a sense of direction, or directional purpose, as well as resourcefulness, creativity, connection, and vulneralbility." - SJ
"I felt wild when I was dancing" - MJ
"When I feel wild, I feel like playing, or playing a video game - because I like jumping or moving around when I do it" - WN age 10
" I think I likely used to feel wild when I was on stage, howling truth that I didn't feel I could let out otherwise. Nowadays, feeling "wild" feels like when my senses are engaged. And, honestly, when I am snuggling with family members, four or two legged" - SJ
"Being older makes me feel trapped, because I am not able to dance" - MJ
" I sometimes feel trapped with tests - it depends on what it is" - WN age 10
" I trap myself with a lot of "shoulds" . This happens when I compare myself, when I worry about my worth, or about not having worth, partially because of my bank account. Even to think of it now, my stomach turns and tightens, my heart too, and my bones start to feel weak, scapular muscles begin to knot. I feel colder" - SJ
" Warmer again. Soft. Attentive. Sensual, as in, my senses are attentive and invigorated" - SJ